Rande S. Miller

Born as the youngest of seven children, five sisters and one brother, life was full of Celebrations of Life & Love! Birthdays, Anniversaries, Births, Death, Marriages, Memorials, Holidays…
My mother fostered and instilled a love for all things celebratory. Every milestone of life was not only acknowledged but exponentially blossomed to larger than life. As early as I could remember I would decorate my Bedroom for all Holidays with the remainder of Décor my Mother did not use. Passion was a character trait for all things in life, whether they were passionately loved or despised. This Trait/Flaw embodied the same exuberance of sadness at conclusions of a Holiday or Celebration as it created at the inception. My enthusiasm and high energy causes a slight sadness at conclusions, therefore my desires to remain constant are my emotional high.
My entire life I knew I would be in the service industry making people happy. As a large family, vacationing was not part of our lifestyle. I always wanted to work in the Hospitality Industry, Hotels, to experience the myriad of Cultures and imagine the world passing through my own doors. Receiving my Business Management Degree for Hospitality Management was my introduction to my future.
After working Factories and Retail in my small hometown I completed an internship at the only Hotel in my local town. Shortly after Graduation, and no professional prospect I decided to move from Dunkirk New York. For my inaugural life lesson, I chose to move south, away from the bitter cold snowy winters. Someplace not too far from “home” but someplace more “destination” to hone my professional skills. Atlanta Became my new home and Private Country Clubs became my mentor. As driven as my Career path became, my passion for Décor and Creativity continued to swell. My ability to be “Happy” contained inside a box became less admirable.
1998 welcomed my creative expression providing Christmas Décor for a Country Club Member asking if I knew anyone that could decorate their home for Christmas. My enthusiasm was rebirthed and Mistletoe & Holly was created. I continued my career path in Private Country Club Management while maintaining my Holiday Decorating Company, Mistletoe & Holly. My career & business grew and flourished
2005 finished as a year and as a milestone for me personally. The Creative me was happiest celebrating Life & Love. I chose to concentrate all my passion and efforts into Decorating and Design. Mistletoe & Holly was Incorporated as m&h Decorating and Design, dba Mistletoe & Holly. The m&h represented many things including “More than Holidays”. The Greatest representation being,”Miller & Henley”, the combinations of my Life and Love as well as continued Strength, Support, and voice of reason.
2015 provided many more Celebrations of Life & Love. My life partner and I married on the eve of our 20th anniversary. The following month we celebrated the life of my mother. The Amazing woman that instilled my love of life and all things celebration.
Celebrations of Life & Love have continually been a major force in my life and I embrace the many years to follow!